Fertility Testing

For Women & Men

Female Fertility Testing

"It’s both emotional and challenging when people struggle to conceive — my twin interests in fertility and gynaecological surgery drove me to become a fertility specialist, so I can take on that challenge, and help people on their emotional journey."
— Dr Becky Taylor

How Will My Age Affect My Chances of Falling Pregnant?

Let’s talk about how age plays a role in your journey to pregnancy. Your fertility hits its peak at 22 and gradually slides down from there. By the time you reach 33, things start to accelerate, impacting your ovulation and the health of your eggs. Waiting to start your fertility journey can make things trickier, as chances drop rapidly after 35. By age 36, your monthly chances of conception halve, dropping to about 14%, and by age 45, they plummet to around 1%. That’s why it’s essential to start sooner rather than later!

How Can Ovulation Tracking Help?

Before diving into fertility treatments, let’s consider ovulation tracking as your first step. It’s super simple and helps you understand your natural fertility better. Plus, it’s like a secret weapon for maximising your chances of getting pregnant. Keep in mind that sperm can stay healthy inside you for 2-5 days, so timing is everything!

Does weight matter to my fertility?

Carrying extra weight can affect your ovulation making it more challenging to get pregnant. If your Body Mass Index (BMI) falls between 25-30, you’re 50% more likely to experience ovulation issues compared to those with a normal BMI. And if your BMI goes over 30 that risk increases further. Fortunately there are lots of things we can do to optimise your overall health and improve your fertility outcomes

Table of Contents

What Is Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS)?

Ever heard of PCOS? It’s a common condition affecting around 11% of women worldwide. Picture this: tiny cysts forming on your ovaries, causing a hormone roller coaster.

This can mess with your ovulation, but don’t stress! While PCOS is a complex beast, we’ve got ways to manage it, from lifestyle changes to medical interventions. Let’s chat about your options!

Is Endometriosis Common?

It’s more common than you might think, affecting about 10% of women during their fertile years. It’s when tissue similar to your uterine lining forms outside the uterus. This can be an obstacle to your fertility plans, but don’t worry — we’ve got ways to navigate it, from surgery to fertility treatments like IVF.

What Are My Chances of a Miscarriage?

Miscarriages, though tough to talk about, are more common than you might think. They happen in about 15-20% of pregnancies, especially in the early stages, with the risk increasing as you get older. Fortunately most miscarriages are one-off events and not indicative of an ongoing problem. However, if you’re experiencing recurrent pregnancy losses it’s important to investigate for any underlying issues that may need addressed.

What Female Fertility Tests Are Available?

Ready for some tests? They’re mostly simple blood tests to help us understand your fertility better. Here’s what I can offer you:

Anti-Müllerian Hormone

AMH is a hormone secreted by your ovarian follicles. We use it to measure your ovarian reserve which tells us about how many eggs you have left.

Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH)

FSH is the hormone that regulates the menstrual cycle by stimulating ovarian follicles to grow each cycle. We can harness that power through IVF by using FSH injections to increase the number of follicles that head towards ovulation.

Luteinizing Hormone

LH is another important hormone in the reproductive system. It is released in surges and triggers egg maturation and ovulation.


This is the main oestrogen found in women. It gives us insights into your ovarian function, ensuring everything’s running smoothly. We usually check it around the third day of your cycle.


This hormone preps your uterus for a potential baby by thickening the lining. We’ll check your levels about three weeks after your period to see if you’re ovulating properly.


Known for its role in milk production, prolactin also has an impact on the menstrual cycle. If the levels are too high (eg from taking certain medications) this can affect ovulation. We’ll give it a little check-up to make sure everything’s ok.

TSH/Thyroid Antibody

The thyroid gland produces hormones that regulate the body’s metabolic rate, growth and development. So testing your Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH) helps us keep tabs on your fertility, too.

Ultrasound Scan

An ultrasound scan checks the health of your womb and ovaries and keeps an eye out for any pesky polyps, fibroids or cysts. Specialised ultrasounds can help to detect certain forms of endometriosis or be used to check your Fallopian tubes are open.

Genetic Carrier Screening

Many of us carry genetic changes in our DNA that cause us no problems ourselves. Unfortunately if you happen to match up with someone with the same genetic changes, they can cause problems in your children. Carrier screening is a way to check for some of these genetic changes before having a family. The great news is, it’s now covered by Medicare!

There’s nothing more rewarding than when a patient says, ‘That’s the first time I’ve felt heard and had it explained so clearly.’ I always take the time to listen to people, so you’re supported every step of the way — with all the information you need, in a form you can easily digest. Because that’s how you can make the best decision.

It’s all about gathering the right info to create your personalised fertility plan.

Let’s get started!

Fertility Testing for women

Male Fertility Tests

What can be done about male infertility?

When it comes to male fertility, things aren’t always as obvious as they seem. You might think everything’s fine, but there could be some issues lurking beneath the surface. That’s why it’s super important to get checked out.

Remember, you’re not alone, and there’s plenty we can do to help. Many sperm-related problems can actually be sorted out or even reversed. Often with a bit of TLC and some healthy habits, you can restore your sperm to a healthy condition in just over two months.

Does a man's weight affect his fertility?

It’s not just about how you look — it’s about how your body functions too. Carrying a few extra pounds can throw a serious curveball. Obesity can mess with your hormone levels, lower your testosterone, and even affect your sperm production.

So shedding those pounds can make a world of difference. By getting back to a healthy weight, you’re not just boosting your chances of becoming a dad — you’re setting the stage for a healthier pregnancy too.

What Male Fertility Tests Are Available?

Testing men’s fertility is relatively easy. We’ll start with a quick analysis of your semen — checking things like sperm count, how well they swim ( motility), and even their shape and size.

Plus we’ve also got a range of other tests we can perform:

Sperm Chromatin Integrity Test (SCIT)

his test’s all about making sure the DNA in your sperm is in good condition as high levels of DNA fragmentation can be implicated in male infertility and recurrent miscarriage.

Semen Microbiology

Think of this as a germ check. We’re making sure there are no unwelcome visitors hanging that could mess with your sperm’s performance.

Retrograde Ejaculation Evaluation

Occasionally, your sperm takes a detour into your bladder. We’ll figure out if that’s the case and what it means for your fertility journey.

Genetic Tests

When we find significant sperm abnormalities, we can test for underlying genetic conditionsthat might explain things.

Antisperm Antibodies

Sometimes, your body gets a little confused and starts attacking your own sperm. We’ll figure out if that’s happening and how to fix it.

Post-Vasectomy Check

Even if you’ve had a vasectomy, we can often find some sperm to use in IVF. Come and have a chat to discuss your options.